Lucas received two more drugs today as part of his chemo treatment and his body seems to be tolerating it well. However, his cute personality is something of the past. The treatment causes him to be extremely tired and fussy. The lab work tells us he's fine, but his eyes tell a much different story. Although he is taking morphine for the pain caused by the tumor, he is still quite fussy. I noticed today as I was stroking his head that his hair was getting greasy and sweaty and he was a little bit stinky from laying in bed for numerous days. One of the techs helped me give him a bath this afternoon but because of his central line we couldn't immerse him in water. So, we had to lay him in a tub basin and just try to sponge bathe him. He was so uncomfortable and I could tell he was in pain. He likes to turn his head to the left and curves his body to avoid discomfort from the cancer. We had to straighten him out to clean him good and he wasn't happy. By the time we were done he calmed down and fell asleep. He smelled so good!!! He also hasn't had an appetite since starting the chemo which I guess is normal. It's so crazy to see my little piggy not wanting anything to eat. I'm lucky to get him to drink a few oz a day. They are pumping him full of vitamins and fluids so that's good. My mom did our laundry today and I was thinking about how I miss our normal life and that I wish I could just go back to the way things were. My day would sound like this, "Hey boys, do you want to go to the park or the dinasour museum today? Hmmmmm, what should I make for dinner tonight? Let's see....should we watch Hereos tonight or the Office?" Seiously? These were the most stressfull things in my life? I guess Aaron and I were just to comfortable and we needed this trial to mix things up a bit. It isn't always fair, but it's necessary in order to learn and become stronger. I'm grateful for all of the blessings that have come from this challenge in our life. We are all capable of so much more than we can even comprehend. Once it is happening to you, you find this inner strength that gets you through each day. It also helps to have so much support. Our friends, family, and in some cases complete strangers have helped us in so many ways. There are no words to describe our gratitude for everything. It really eases the stress and worry we would be feeling otherwise. I truly believe that Heavenly Father uses us to answer each others prayers. We have had some really neat experiences going through this that I am so grateful for. Thank you all for caring about our family and helping us get through this difficult time. I'm a big believer that what goes around comes around and I pray that all of you receive multiple blessings for your charitable acts of kindness and love.