My how time flies. I can't believe how long it has been since my last post. I have no excuses and I need to do a better job of updating since I am horrible at writing in a journal. It was so easy when Lucas was sick because there were so many of you wanting information and it seemed to change from day to day. So we felt a need to share that information as frequently as possible. But we do have 2 other children that's lives need to be documented as well. And although our daily routine may seem boring at times, it's our life and I need to do a better job of documenting all of the little and silly things that happen. Halloween was a blast. We went to Aaron's parents neighborhood and Donna, (my mother in law) painted the boys faces. Kaden was a dead pirate and Jonas was a zombie football player. I think the days of cute Halloween costumes are over. They wanted to be scary this year. Aaron will post some pictures soon. Aaron went to Florida for two weeks to get a few certifications for his job. It's sooooo good to have him home. We all missed him terribly. It was a long two weeks for both of us but him having those certifications will hopefully benefit his career in the future. He's a computer programmer for those of you who are curious. I'm so grateful for him and all of the hard work he does to provide a comfortable life for our family. He's so dedicated and gives 100% and I know that it isn't always easy. His employers have been so gracious and supportive to our family through these past recent months and I am so thankful for their kindness and understanding. Our basement was recently finished and the boys now have a play room and Aaron finally has his office. A huge thanks to all of you who gave of your donations, time, and talents in helping us to lessen the expense. We appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts!! We spent Thanksgiving with Aaron's family this year. (We do the every other year thing as that seems to work out best.) It was nice to visit with his sister Marnie, niece Erin, brother Cameron, and his parents Bill and Donna. I feel so lucky to have married into such an awesome family. I couldn't have asked for better in law's. They truly treat me as one of their own. We had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner and watched the movie "UP" which was so cute. We hadn't seen it before. The weather was beautiful and not too cold. I must say though, once Thanksgiving is over I am always anxious for snow. I love snow during the weeks prior to Christmas. We now have a huge grass field in front of our house that would be perfect for snowman building, snowball fights, etc. It hasn't snowed enough to take the boys sledding and they are just chomping at the bit to go. I couldn't go last year because Lucas was just a newborn. We found out 2 days ago that Lucas' stone should be in very soon. I asked them if it would be possible to get it in by his birthday on December 8th and they are going to do everything they can to make that possible. It would be great to have something to look at when we go visit him. Last night we stopped by to say hello and tell him things that we are thankful for. It was cute to hear the boys talking to their baby brother. We all miss him so much. I know he doesn't want to see us sad and crying, but I can't help it. It's healing for me to cry and be sad sometimes. It's almost like I hold it in for a week at a time and let life get busy. And then something will remind me of him and I'll just let it all out. I always feel better afterwards. I had the opportunity to teach a lesson in church 2 weeks ago and felt prompted to share our experience with going through our recent trial. It felt good to let everyone know how we are getting through it and that despite all of the heartache, a lot of good has transpired. We need to find the positive things and hold onto them or our trials will destroy us. I am so grateful to have a knowledge of the plan of salvation and that our family is going to be together forever. I know that Heavenly Father lives and loves us and that it's through adversity that we can become the sons and daughters that He desires for us to be. For how else are we suppose to grow and learn if life is always comfortable? It's so easy to let our wheels spin and not to progress. He gives us these hardships in life because He loves us. And I'm sure it's heartbreaking for Him to watch us suffer through difficult times. I know that it was difficult for us as parents to watch Lucas suffer so I can only imagine how He must feel seeing many of His children suffer simultaneously. Well, it's getting late so I should probably go to bed soon. Thank you all so much for caring about our family. It is truly humbling how many of you have shown your love through letters, care packages, acts of service, hugs, smiles, prayers, the list could go on forever. Oh and before I forget, there will be a tree at the "Festival of Tree's" in honor of Lucas and Sadie Huish. For those of you in our area who are planning on attending look for the tree decorated in Curious George. Thanks to the Armstrong's for their time in planning this donation. It will be held at the South Towne Expo from December 2nd-5th. We are so excited to see it all done and want to thank all of those involved. What a great event and what a wonderful cause. (It is a benefit for the children at Primary Children's Medical Center which is where Lucas and Sadie were treated.) I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!