Lucas Tyler Nelson was born December 8, 2008 in American Fork, UT, to Aaron and Shannon Nelson. His three month battle with cancer came to an end the night of September 2, 2009. Lucas passed away at home in the loving arms of his parents. Throughout his journey, Lucas was a Brave Little Soul who unlocked the love and compassion in people's hearts. Because of him, friends and family bonds have been strengthened, faith has been renewed, many prayers have been offered, and lives have been changed forever. He is survived by his parents, Aaron and Shannon; brothers, Kaden and Jonas; grandparents, Bill and Donna Nelson, and Gordon and Barbara Anderson; and many other aunts, uncles, cousins and great-grandparents. We thank the doctors and nurses who cared for Lucas, particularly the staff at Primary Children’s Medical Center. We also express our love and gratitude to family and friends who have given service and shown so much love and support.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, September 5th, 10:30am at the Silver Lake Stake Center, 4506 E Pony Express Pkwy, Eagle Mountain, UT, 84005. A viewing will be held, at the same location, Friday September 4th from 6-9pm and Saturday, September 5th from 9-10am. Interment will be at the American Fork Cemetary.
Oh my heart aches! What a sweet little boy. I wish your family comfort in this hard time.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful boy with a gorgeous smile! Loving you from afar and praying for you unceasingly!!
ReplyDeleteThat was a beautiful tribute to Lucas. Such a darling picture, too! I'm keeping your family in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteI have three boys too - the youngest born on December 10, 2008 (two days after your Lucas). My heart aches for your family. I will hug my boys a little tighter and keep your family in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteI am so very, very sorry for your loss. I have no words.
ReplyDeleteWords cannot even express how sorry I am for your sweet family. I was turned to your blog by a friend and have to say you are amazing. It has made me realize to cherish my daughter more, so thank you. We will be praying for you.
ReplyDeleteI'm a stranger that happened upon your blog. I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
ReplyDeleteMy words cannot express the sympathy I feel for your family. I am amazed by your strength and cannot even begin to understand what you have gone through. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteOur thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family. May God's Spirit comfort you until you are reunited.
ReplyDeleteThis blog has been so uplifting. Thank you Shannon and Aaron.
Love -
Logan, Kristine, and family.
What a beautiful tribute to Lucas.
The Croziers
What a cute picture of Lucas, and such a beautiful tribute to him too. He really is one of those Brave Little Souls that you talked about in an earlier post. Thanks, again, for your example to me.
ReplyDeleteI learned of your little boy from my sister in law, Shayla Shumaker, who lives near you. I too have lost a son ... If there is anything I can do please please please email me or call me. We just passed the four year mark since Parker died. Sigh. I hope Parker is taking care of your son Lucas. I am sorry you are on this journey with us :(.
ReplyDeletePCMC has a grief group also if you would like to be a part of our group with us. Just email me if you would like. It helps on those rough days.
Sending as many prayers as I can your way.
Lindi Shumaker
Is there an address where we can send flowers or a card?
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet sweet boy! My heart aches for you. Losing a child is so incredibly heartbreaking. My prayers are with your family...hopefully you will receive comfort and peace in your grief.
ReplyDeleteThank you for letting us in your family a little and witness the struggle, love and joys of this little angel of a boy you have. You are in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteThere are many in our ward who have been following you and we'd like to send a card...what address could we send it to?
Huntsville AL
I can't imagine the heartache that you must feel. I think about you often and pray for you everyday.
ReplyDeleteLucas has touched my heart and I have never even met him. What a sweet and PERFECT little angel.
Our prayers are with you.
So So sweet. We continue to pray for your family as you go through this difficult time. I will always remember baby Lucas, and the example of strength and courage your family has shown as you've had to go through this very hard time. Thank You!
ReplyDeletei know that the Lord is holding your family tightly during this time, and while your hearts are truly breaking right now i will continue to pray that you feel the Lord's arms around you.
ReplyDeleteJesus be near...
My heart goes out to you and your family at this time. Thank you all for your great faith and love for the Lord and His plan, it has been inspiring for me. Our love and prayers go out to your family and think of the joy you will have when you can all be together again.
Yvette Anderson
Mobile, AL
I am so, so sorry to hear about Lucas because I know the pain that you are feeling.
ReplyDeleteEven though I didn't know him and I'm many miles way....I'm glad that I was able to put a smile on his face by buying him a gift.
Just remember the happy times. Keep the image of his beautiful smile in your mind. He'll help you get through this.
Brandy Mitchell
I came upon your blog by a friend and words cannot express how I feel right now. I want to congratulate you for your immense strenght and care for your darling little boy. May Heavenly Father bless you all with the continued strength and comfort as you remember your angel who has just returned to his Heavenly Father's open arms again. I am currently struggling with a loved one's struggle with cancer as we speak. I've had a difficult time dealing with everything that it entails but reading your entire blog has helped me tremendously to be able to look to my Father in heaven and pray that I can be as strong as you've all been. My daughter was gravely ill with a heart murmur and had surgery a year ago so I have an inkling of what it feels like to have your tiny baby be so sick that you can't help them in any other way than just to be there physically, emotionally and especially spiritually. That is the only way we can make it through and they can feel of our love for them. Again my you all be greatly blessed...our prayers will be with you all!
ReplyDeleteShannon and Family, I was talking tonight to Yon about when our Aaron died 16 years ago. Yes, it has been that long! My thoughts have been with you all day today and since I heard that Lucas had crossed through the veil into Paradise. It has brought back all the memories of Aaron's funeral and how much your family helped us when we needed it and you really didn't even know our family well. It is hard to loose a child, but we have the blessing of being sealed for all time and eternity in the House of the Lord. Blessed are those that morn for they shall be comforted. Your heart breaks, joy seems so far away, and your mind feels numb, yet a calmness presents itself in a very calming and soothing way. We felt no anger when Aaron passed away and after all these years, I still feel no anger. So our families await the day when we will have our babies again with us and will raise them during the millenium when Jesus Christ reigns on earth! What a glorius thought to keep locked away in your heart. I was with your family in spirit today while Lucas' funeral was being held. I couldn't keep it off my mind today, all day long. Lucas and Aaron are in good hands tonight. Lovingly, Kay and Yon Suber and Family
ReplyDeleteoh, shannon. i'm so sorry. i found your blog through jenny clayville. i'm so sorry that this happened. it is nice to see your picture after so many years and so sweet to see your beautiful family. - thank you God for giving this family strength. i pray that you'd allow them to feel their emotions honestly, to remember lucas, and to allow You to heal them as only You can. amen.- i can't imagine your grief. thank you for blogging about it and letting others in. you are an inspiration! take care of yourself. love, patty (papadopulos) tacklind